It will be normal for a person to read an article on the economics of energy. Yes, there are, of course. If the school is in the child's digest asked on the subject, or suddenly, in order to write a diploma-is necessary.

In rare cases, the cause of such a reading for the executives, can make the world of money is spent on the consumption of energy in buildings. The overall plan is for most of us, a lot of energy, it is something abstract, and very few people think about the relationship between their actions and the consequences for the world.
But why is this article, always keep writing. And here we are, we are not the exception. It may be, the issue is important, and of someone who is trying to get through to us? Let me see if I understand. And, to begin with, give the what is energy and what are the tasks that you decide to.
Energy saver is a set of measures for the efficient and economical expenditure of energy resources.
T. e. the task is now to preserve the planet's resources.
For you to save money and conserve resources?
A large number of developed electricity, we have to do with non-renewable natural resources. That is, of the essence of each of the grill light bulb is the least amount of minerals. In each of the are going to roast the bottle is neforgiveeльnоe debauchery.
Coal, oil, natural gas, and it'll end up on the planet Earth.
There are, of course, also the energy of the sea, the sun, the wind and the earth's bowels, but keep in mind, if you know the products, you will work in a stable manner, for example, solar energy? While it is negligible (consider it's not), and let's face it, it is unlikely that in the near future, new technologies replace old, and production of oil and gas SVedell as much as possible. And, in the process, the energy consumption does not stop, and even on the contrary, it increases.
With the increase in the development of the industrial and power generation applications in a variety of ways, it's freed up a huge amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, in an area of forest to absorb CO2 is inevitably reduced. This is the main cause of global warming.
And once again, we come back to some abstract concepts. Apparently, it's where we are now and where's the global warming? And that is how we like to play?
We are on the subject matter. All of the

Global warming leads to irreversible changes in the climate of the planet. Experts in the study of the weather reports, without equivocation, say that the humanity, it's time to quit for the extraction of minerals. This is particularly the case in China, the united states, the countries of the European union, and India. In these countries, will give the maximum number of harmful emissions into the atmosphere. Russia has not yet been included in the "black list", but it's only because of a slowdown in the industrial production in 90-x. the problem, however, is the concern of everyone, such as air pollution, affect the climate of the Earth. And in each and every country is here to contribute. And the fact that each and every one of us. To appreciate the consequences of such a "contribution".
The impact of climate change on the planet
The glaciers are melting, sea levels are rising, the ecosystem is out of balance and increases the overall temperature of the planet. The impact that this implies?
The floods and storms
If the water level is going to rise even more, at least, to a underground, a lot of people in the island will turn into a story. The coast отоdвиnell to the interior of the continent. It's a natural disaster, it will inevitably lead to the death of people and animals.
Hurricanes, droughts, forest fires,
To experience Africa, you don't have a shortage of clean drinking water. But, in many continents, just small rivers, and lakes. A chain-of-launch, the other disappears, the habitat for a wide variety of living organisms. Thus, they, too, disappear, or move.
The spread of the disease
With the increase of temperature occurs, the migration of insects and other animals, which come to you in the most comfortable environment. They will spread the diseases, including those that have not yet been found in drugs. This would imply that the spread of the epidemic.
The most up to the rigors of the winter
Interestingly, however, the violation of the eco-balance of the over in a weird way, affects climate change. In some countries it's winter, make it is the other way around is harder, and is subject to an additional charge of energy.
The pollution, the increase of the volcanic activities and other disasters
The dangerous act of nature, will become not the exception but the rule. And, in the presence of air pollutants, from now on, it leads to respiratory problems such as asthma, броnxit, if you have allergies. If it still will be!

What can you do?
There can be direct communication between the people dying in the flood or from a disease of the dry weight, and the consumption of ineffective power? Yes, the relationship is not clear. Now that you know exactly what it is. As soon as there is a relationship between the one who throws a butt on the street next to the treasure chest and piles of garbage on the road.
If each one of us is going to look out for others and take on that from personal hands-on involvement-nothing depends on it, then the next generation will receive from us does not live up to the legacy.
Not going to assimilate to the marquis de Pompadour, and of the famous "After us, the deluge!" We are the most intelligent species. Let's all behave like civilized human beings, and not just to be called by them. Let's start off with the most effective use of the resources that we have.
In this blog we will tell you how to increase the energy efficiency of production facilities, warehouses, parking lots, offices, educational institutions, and in private homes. Tips, advice, and workshops on the design of energy efficiency projects – here is our two cents. We will respond to all lights light up and the system that we have designed.